I'm sorry, I can't like a lot of your music because you use your own vocals. Your techno is truely incredible and kicks so much ass it is retarded, but your voice really isn't that great and I hate to break it to you.
The original piece was very vocally oriented and thats what made it great. You didn't really do it justice. I just keep hearing where your voice cracked on "it must have been something you said"
I'm not trying to be a hater its just I keep seeing your remixes pop up everwhere and its getting to the point where I see them...and click PAST them. All because 90% of them are YOU singing so its hard to find anything I can enjoy. I loved your remix of "In My Head" so much I play that like every party I've been to and its been an instant hit. But you really don't have much else that I can honestly say I like. Nothing with your voice in it anyway :/
Look I'm not trying to be a dick, but really, just try to find another singer please.